Planning a successful Youth Hunting Day event will take hard work and dedication from everyone involved from your planning committee members to the volunteers that will be helping on the event day. Perhaps most important of all is giving yourself enough time to plan, ensuring tasks are delegated, as there will be many, and that these responsibilities are being carried out.

Your goal should be creating a high quality hunting experience for the Apprentices; something that they will remember long after they get their hunting licence.

The event should be structured around four or five stations that exposes the Apprentices to a hunter safety “refresher”, gives them an opportunity to learn about game laws from a Conservation Officer, tests their gun handling and accuracy at a trap shooting station, engages them in a pheasant hunt over a trained hunting dog, teaches them how to field dress a pheasant and finally gives them an opportunity to try cooked pheasant as part of the lunch provided.

Remember that it is okay to start small and let the event grow naturally as comfort level within your organizing committee increases. As well, you will be surprised how many people from the community will lend their support to help make your event a success. This will include donations of time, money, equipment and supplies so do not be distracted by little or no budget when first getting started.